As I have reached 40, I look at my life and feel accomplished and content with what I have achieved. I truly believe being around horses from an early age gave me the foundation for adult life, it gave me a purpose, independence, responsibility and motivation to be a successful individual. All these qualities gave me the ambition to be somebody and never did my gender question my ability or did I feel disadvantaged.
I have been very fortunate in my life to have been treated as an equal in a changing society. Maybe I always wanted to be that example, that anything is possible and made myself an equal. I work in Insurance which is a very male dominate industry. I was one of the first women to work in Lloyds of London. I found it exciting and not a challenge to be in mans world. I made sure I fitted in, I wore a suit and shirt like everyone else and I never expected special treatment or allowances. I wanted to be a broker, that was my focus and the opportunity was there.
I remember when my partner and I first got together, he mention my lunches and meetings were always with men. I never saw them as men and always saw them as business partners and we conducted business like any other human being. I then became middle management for an international broker at the age of 25 on my own merit and hard work. I was fair with my expectations and knew what I wanted.
Both my parents are hard workers, and my work ethic comes from watching them both build their own businesses. It never came down to gender, just hard work in my eyes, as both my parents were successful.
The life i now live in Australia is still very equal with my partner, we share the domestic responsibilities and work around the farm. I am not scared of a bit of fencing or chopping down a tree and nor is he unwilling to clean the house or put some washing on. I still work in insurance and in the position I want to be in that suits my life style. My passion is eventing and I have re-educated many ex-racehorses and still ambitious to compete. Our sport is relatively equal men and women, both genders are competitive and the same rules apply. My disadvantage is my legs are not long enough (laughing), not what gender I am.
My idols in the eventing world are a mixture of men and women. I am truly inspired by their skills as a riders and their determination to win. Piggy French, Michael Jung, Ingrid Klimke and Mark Todd.
Both my boys Move on Notice (Movie) and Silver Promise (Blitz) had a break at the end of last year and now back in work getting ready for the 2021 event season.

Blitz had his first showjumping competition the Saturday gone, and stepped up to his fist 1m round. Our preparation has been very limited so there was no expectations and just using it as training round. His first eventing start is at Capel CCN in two weeks in the EvA 95 with the intension to move up to 1* in the next few months.
Both horses are ridden in Kentaur Saddles. The Kentaur 'Medea' Dressage Saddle is slightly cut back away from the shoulder which suits both horses my horses with big shoulders and frees them up.
My new Kentaur 'Triton' Jumping Saddle arrived in time for Christmas. Movie prefers a flocked saddle because of his shape, the french or Latex panel are more suited to a Warmblood and flocking tends to accommodate the many high withered thoroughbreds. The Triton jumping saddle can be ordered with any panel you like, which is great!
I also use the Kentaur 'Arras' Breastplate to avoid any restriction in their jump. I always use to like the 5 point breastplates but after watching my horses move and jump, i now prefer the 3 point breast plates for my horses.
International Women's Day to me is about equality and balance. Anyone can be what they want to be if they put your mind to it! Ignore what was and embrace the now, which is opportunity.